
Reiter: Welcome

Welcome message
Ihr Abonnement wurde bestätigt! Schön, dass Du dabei bist. Vielen Dank {name}!
In Deinem E-Mail Ordner findest Du nun den Zugang und das Passwort zu den Newslettern.
Viel Spass

You can install TinyMCE Advanced for advanced editing features

Showed when the user follow the confirmation URL sent to him with previous email settings or if signed up directly with no double opt-in process. You can use the {profile_form} tag to let the user to complete it's profile.

Alternative custom welcome page

A full page address ( to be used instead of message above. If empty the message is used.

Conversion tracking code

The code is injected AS-IS in welcome page and can be used to track conversion (you can use PHP if needed). It does not work with a custom welcome page. Conversion code is usually supply by tracking services, like Google AdWords, Google Analytics and so on.

Welcome email
The right place where to put bonus content link


Hallo {name}

Diese Nachricht bestätigt Dein Abonnement zum {blog_title} newsletter.


Um sich abzumelden click here. Änderung der Teilnehmeroptionen click here.


You can install TinyMCE Advanced for advanced editing features